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Airship Technology by Gabriel Alexander Khoury:
OK, let's get serious about airships. My upcoming novel, The Flight of the St. Paul, is the first science fiction book that features contemporary hybrid airships. However, unlike a Fantasy or Steampunk novel, my aerodynamics, designs, technical information, engineering, and flight capabilities have to be based on fact rather than imagination. To get that information right, Airship Technology by G.A. Khoury is an indispensable resource.
Airship Technology is actually a collection of various authors covering a wide breadth of technical data and practical airship advice from an eclectic assortment of experts in multiple fields. While hybrid airships are not the only vehicles examined, this emerging flight platform is addressed in great detail, including such subjects as; engine types and capacities, envelop materials, weather considerations, ground handling, piloting, and even future developments in high altitude aerostats (for my next novel) and solar power.
The technical detail is enough to satisfy even aerospace engineers, so this is not a book for the faint-hearted. However, it is one of the very few modern manuals on airship design. As a futurist working with the subject of hybrid airships set in a plausible future, Airship Technology serves as the technical foundation for the science fiction world I create in my novel. I consider it to be one of the treasured books in my collection.